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My airplanes

This started as an homage to something that i used to do in israel, i used to buy airplane gliders, foam like sheets that have 3 parts of a glider, if you play with them at home, like i used to do, they usually end up crush into a wall and fall, its kind of a childhood memory.

After having a lot of these crushing into walls in my house, in my undergrad i did a little homage by spreading them all over school, i cut them in the middle and simply mount them to the wall.

these kind of models of F-something airplanes was also something that i used to see so much from my house and hear the ultra-sonic booms them flying from one army base to the other.

i really loved the aesthetics back then, colourfull / grid / bold typography - almost the opposite of the airplanes i used to see.

I went to canal plastic and bought 3 acrylic sheets in 3 different colours and tried to understand how to reconstruct these half airplanes using acrylic and shape combination, it was the first attempt i think iam going to continue and almost hype-colour it. lots of typographies and etc...

i created my own airplane cutout for the laser cutter, it was easy to set-up.

later i learned that i didn't needed to make the circles that smaller. probably 0.01 smaller that the original one, i had a lot of places where it was a little too much of space.

I used acrylic glue with a syringe to glue them all, it worked out pretty well. the glue turn out to be very liquid-fast and now i think about what can i do with all these pictures and angels of my airplanes.

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